Telling the greatest story ever told through the greatest game ever played.The Diamond Club Ministry is a Christian organization founded in 1993 to glorify Jesus Christ. The primary platform is evangelistic camps and revival services for youth and their families. We want to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to hear the life changing message of Jesus Christ.
The Diamond Club teaches the proper fundamentals of baseball through drills, practice, and FUN! We believe that playing the game with competence not only makes one a better player, but increases self esteem and encourages relationship building through team play. Most importantly however, the game of baseball offers a great opportunity to share the Gospel and lead young men and women to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The mission of the Diamond Club is to give youth and thier families a simple message; GOD LOVES YOU! In John 3:16 the Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Baseball is like an analogy for life. As we head toward first base we are filled with the DESIRE to know God. We realize we are sinners and accept Jesus’ death on the cross as payment for our sins. As we go around second base, we become aware of the DISCIPLINE needed to grow in our relationship with Jesus. We learn to die to self so we can be alive in Him. Now we reach third base realizing the importance of FELLOWSHIP with other believers. God has created us as relational beings. We need the support, prayers and time with others who share the love of Jesus Christ. Finally, the love of Jesus strong in our hearts, we head towards home plate. With EVANGELISM as our goal, the true home run is hit when we share the incredible story of Jesus Christ with those who are lost and dying. Now they too can have eternal life.
We accept the bible as the inerrant Word of God whose revelation applies to every facet of human existence. The Triune Godhead has placed the Church on earth to represent and manifest His glory through the power of the person of the Holy Spirit. We now long for the bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. Hw was sent by His father to give blood atonement for the sins of all mankind. As the Holy Spirit leads an individual to repentance he can choose life in Christ Jesus rather than death outside the Lord’s will.
It has been said that baseball is the greatest game ever played. Well it is truly the great American pasttime. The game is definitive of the competitive spirit of our nation. Baseball captures a young person’s imagination and heart during the springtime of their youth. Baseball’s allure always stays with us right through autumn of our years. There is something spectacular in the attraction of baseball. It is a game for all five senses. The game has a pageantry and style unique to itself. It has a vocabulary and essence shared by all. The game is truly for everyone, not just those with a talent for the game.
As the path of fame often does, my career bottomed out because of my alcoholism and drug addiction. My long standing substance abuse problems led to a downward spiral which got so bad that I began to deal as well as to consume the controlled substances. I hit rock bottom in 1993 after my mother committed suicide, my father passed away, and my first marriage dissolved. My ex-roommates and fellow “Buffalo Heads” Bill Lee and Ferguson Jenkins helped me find the Baseball Assistance Team (BAT), an organization that helps needy former players. This was instrumental in getting me into recovery from my addictions. While in rehab, I found that God had a plan for my life. Through the healing power of Jesus Christ, my life was dramatically changed.